a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.
the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost.
Recovery - think big - what does it mean to you? I understand recovery means something different for everyone. And aren’t we all striving for one form or another of recovery right now?
You can recover from an injury. You can recover after sustaining a loss. You can recover from surgery. You can recover from the loss of a relationship. You can recover from an illness.
When I hear recovery, the first thing that comes to mind is recovery from addiction. A person in recovery is someone who is in the progress of regaining control over something they lost or was taken from them due to an addiction.
I think we are all in recovery right now. We lost something. We do not have control right now. We do not have control while there is a global health pandemic. This has a huge impact on our overall well-being; mental health and physical strength. So, what can we do to help push our way through recovery right now?
Educate Yourself. Knowledge is power. The more you know… This will allow you to think clearly with good judgement.
Support System. Your support system plays a significant role in recovery. Even if it’s your day-to-day recovery throughout this trying time. Your support system is not only the people in your life, but also, the beliefs and practices in which you participate.
Not Linear Process. Be kind to yourself. Nothing is linear right now. This process will ebb and flow.
Coping Skills. A few ideas for coping skills are cooking, exercise, arts and crafts, music, reading, meditation, and writing. Writing using journal prompts such as:
Write down exactly what’s going on in your head right now, then write about how you would like things to feel and be in your head.
How would the world look if there was more happiness?
Are you worried about something? What is it? How are You Coping with Worry?
Pick 4 or 5 different recovery words and explain how they relate to one another in your life.
Write about what you see, hear and smell right at this moment. How do these things make you feel? Really be present in this moment
I realize the idea of recovery when you aren’t necessarily recovering from something concrete maybe confusing. I just wanted to share the concept, we are all in the process of regaining some sense of “normal”. Hang in there.
Please be kind. Offer Grace.
Keep Pushing Through.