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All About KPT

Keep Pushing Through is something close to my heart and REAL. Sometimes so real, so raw, it scares me.  I do not want to begin with negatives (not statements), but I can tell you what this blog is not.


I am not a mommy.  Mom's ROCK - I just don't happen to be one, unless you count my fur babies.


I am not a fashionista. I like clothes - I like Stitch Fix - I'm just not going to write about it.


I am not selling anything. If there is one career path I am NOT destined to follow, that would be sales.


I am not an expert. Heck no! But I sure do love to research!


I am a 40 something married gal who, despite a whole lotta odds, survived and is here to share her story.  I realize everyone has a story inside them.  I realize sharing it online, in a public forum may not be for everyone.  Actually it's not even for me. It scares me.  It scares me just enough that I know I need to do this .  And even more than the fear, I want to help anyone who may be struggling or struggled with the same little demons or health issues.  It's not easy.  It's not fun.  It's not glamorous or trendy.  It's real life. The amazing, the not-so-great, and the really - do we have to go there?  (Good - Bad - Ugly) but you know what, that's where you find the grace.  You find the strength.  And if you're lucky, you find the gratitude - the ability to be truly thankful for everything you've been through because it brought you to where you are today.


I am going to share those positive quotes. I have always loved quotes WAAAYYYY before pinterest and IG existed.


I am going to share about my family - a truly one-of-a-kind, phenomenal support system.


I am going to research and site anything and everything I can to better educate us all.  This takes me back to graduate school.


I am going to find joy in the little things.


I am going to talk about my dogs.


I am going to show you how gratitude really does transform your life.


I am going to talk about real life and spoiler alert - it's not all rainbows, unicorns, and sunshine.


I am going to show you that you need to keep pushing through, even when it seems truly impossible... keep pushing through - you will be amazed to what's on the other side and glad you did!

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