full of Grace and Truth
I am plagued with a question tonight. Do I really own my story? I am in my second semester of Bible Study at church. The class is named...
with Gratitude & Grace
I am plagued with a question tonight. Do I really own my story? I am in my second semester of Bible Study at church. The class is named...
Everyone remembers Friends "The One with The Secret Closet". Monica has the most amazingly jam packed closet hidden away in her always...
This is probably not blog worthy, or acceptable protocol for blogging....but since you gotta start somewhere, everything goes! Lately I...
I would wager a guess that every person living a sober life can tell you about their last drink. Actually, I am sure they can tell you...
Every single night on my way home from work I pass the hospital I spent a considerable amount of time in the fall of 2015. There isn't a...
For a living I make judgments based on the data, yet I am writing about becoming judgement free? Pretty sure that defines oxymoron? The...
What makes you uncomfortable? Politics. Religion. Sex. Sure, in certain settings, those would be items that make you uncomfortable. What...
Something I did last year - I set my intentions for the year with a word. Last year my word was Grace. I read about it, learned about...
If you know me, you know I preach gratitude and grace. Daily. Those are values I try to apply to my life on a daily basis. I think I am...
"The days that break you are the days that make you." Or they just make you want to take a big ol nap! Long before I was "officially"...
A spoonie? What is a spoonie? Did she spell this right? Is that right? What is she talking about? Researching this concept, key words...
"Every-time I judge someone else, I reveal an unhealed part of myself" I wish this was true for everyone. In today's world there is SO...
How was Thanksgiving? The drive to Indianapolis that morning was a gorgeous sun shining day. We loaded up our care packages and we were...
So here it begins - my actual blog. I have a million ideas in my head and now it is time. Time the rubber meets the road. The pen...
It was the summer of 2015. Â As I write, I think to myself, I wish I was writing the start to a story like "Dirty Dancing" as we are...